The Glittering Path: Embracing Glimmers Over Triggers

By Cynthia Garrett, LMHC

Life is like a box of chocolates, they say, with its fair share of surprises, both sweet and nutty. Sometimes, we're faced with triggers—those little bumps in the road that can throw us off course. But here's the twist: there are also glimmers, those shiny, happy moments that make life sparkle. In this blog, we're going to ditch the drama and focus on the fun! Let's explore why turning our attention toward glimmers instead of triggers can make life a whole lot sunnier.

Identifying and Becoming Aware of Triggers

Triggers, those sneaky little rascals, can be anything from a traffic jam when you're running late to the dreaded inbox filled with unread emails on a Monday morning. They're like the mosquitoes at a summer picnic—annoying and hard to ignore. But what happens when we make room for more sunshine?

The Marvelous Magic of Glimmers to Improve Mood:

  1. Sunshine on a Cloudy Day: Glimmers are those bursts of sunshine that peek through even the gloomiest clouds. They're the rainbow after the storm, the double scoop ice cream on a sweltering day.
  2. Chuckles and Giggles: Focusing on glimmers means you'll find more reasons to chuckle and giggle. Laughter is the best medicine, after all!
  3. Skyrocketing Mood: When you train your brain to spot glimmers, your mood follows suit. You'll find yourself bouncing back from triggers faster than a rubber ball.

The Switcheroo: From Triggers to Glimmers

  1. Gratitude Galore: Start a "Glimmer and Gratitude" journal. Write down your daily dose of sparkly moments. It's like collecting fireflies in a jar, but without the jar.
  2. Choose Your Crew Wisely: Surround yourself with people who radiate positivity and sprinkle glitter on your life. Friends who laugh at your jokes, not your misfortunes, are keepers.
  3. Dance in the Rain: When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, and throw in some glimmering ice cubes. Find joy in the small things, like dancing in the rain or singing in the shower.

Life's too short to let triggers steal the show. By giving glimmers the spotlight, you're inviting more joy, laughter, and positivity into your life. Remember, even in the most challenging situations, there's a glimmer of hope or a ray of sunshine waiting to brighten your day. So, turn up the music, put on your glittery shoes, and dance your way through life's twists and turns. The glimmers are out there, waiting for you to embrace them!